EBF Dental & Vision Extended to Dependent Children Up to Age 26
Effective July 1, 2020, the CSEA Employee Benefit Fund Board of Trustees (EBF) has approved extended dental and vision coverage for all eligible dependents up to age 26.
Eligible dependents include a member’s biological children, step children, and any other dependent the member has custody/guardianship of, such as a grandchild.
The EBF benefits will now cover children up to their 26th birthday, and benefits will continue until the last day of their birth month.
For example, if a dependent turns 26 on May 15th, they are eligible under these new EBF policies until May 30th of that year.
The EBF will no longer require dependent children over the age of 19 to be full time college students in order to receive benefits. That means, the burdensome student proof documents will no longer be required!
Step children are now eligible to receive benefits regardless of whether they are living with our member or not.
We are also extending coverage to dependent children under the age 26 regardless of marital status. A dependent who was previously married may now be eligible for EBF benefits again effective July 1, 2020.
The new EBF policies go into effect on July 1, 2020, so any dependent who was eligible as of that date will automatically stay covered until they turn 26.
Any dependent who may have been removed due to our prior guidelines, or those who may never have been added previously because they did not meet our prior requirements, are eligible to be added to the EBF effective July 1, 2020.
These reinstatements will not be automatic. We will require an updated Enrollment Form to either reactive eligible dependents, or to add newly eligible dependents effective July 1, 2020.
We are urging members to access their EBF file thru our Member Portal. The portal is easy to use and allows members to quickly review who is currently eligible and enroll those who are now are eligible for this benefit upgrade.